There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
~ Bernard Williams
More: The Spoilers
The Shop
You see an oversized modwir kennel with a brocade flap across its entrance.
>go entrance
The sound of excited canines reverberates throughout this spacious kennel. Open-topped enclosures run along each wall, each enclosure containing an overexcited bundle of joy, complete with fiercely wagging tail. An elderly giantess meanders back and forth from enclosure to enclosure, dispensing small green treats from a pocket and reassuring all the occupants that they are, indeed, very good puppies. You also see a quiet assistant.
The Shop Staff
>look giantess
Millisha is elderly, but still appears quite spry. Large smile lines crease the corners of her eyes, and the twinkle in her eye gives her overall appearance a hint of mischief. Puppy fur of all colors and lengths coats both her leather apron and her strong hands.
>ask assistant about puppy
The assistant gives you a bright smile and explains, "All rescue pups are expected to be cared for, loved, and treated well." Lowering her voice to barely audible, she remarks for your ears alone, "You don’t want Millisha coming after you. There are rumors she served for a little while as a Dark Assassin." Her voice returns to normal and continues to instruct you, "If at any time reports come in of a puppy being mistreated, your puppy can and will be taken away, and your deposit will be forfeit!"
>ask giantess about puppy
Millisha eyes you shrewdly for a beat, then inquires, “Oh, so you’d be interested in adopting one of these adorable beasties, would you? We take our rescues very seriously around here, and require a hefty deposit, which you don’t seem to have on you at the moment. We require that you put down at least 100,000,000 silvers. Half of that goes for expenses, the other half is a deposit, which will be returned if you can maintain your puppy for 90 days without any… issues.”
Millisha continues, lecturing you like you were a kid, “Puppies are loyal to a fault, and I expect you to be just as loyal to yours. It will love you as if you deserved it. And I’ve yet to determine if you do.”
She lowers her voice meaningfully, “I’ll be watching you.”